Myopia Management Clinic



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Myopia Management Clinic

If you are worried about the rate at which your child's myopia is progressing, then our Myopia Management service is here to help. At these appointments, we closely look at the patient's prescription and recommend a lens solution to try and help slow down the rate their myopia is progressing. We then conduct frequent follow-ups determined by the optometrist to make sure everything is flowing smoothly.

At Special Looks Opticians, we are partnered with Coopervision to provide MiSight Contact Lenses, and Hoya to provide MiyoSmart Spectacle lenses. With these two options, we can cover a wide range of myopic prescriptions allowing us to manage patients' myopia and, hopefully, slow down their rate of progression and prevent serious eye conditions.

Why Does Myopia Matter?

"There is no safe level of myopia" - Professor Ian Flitcroft

Eye health is severely impacted by myopia, and every -1.00D increases the risk of eye conditions such as:

  • Myopic Macular Degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
  • Retinal Detachments

As such, we need to be trying to reduce the level of myopia in children, to reduce the risk of vision loss in the future.

Further to this, high prescriptions mean that patients often spend more on their glasses due to having to thin their lenses down, or are often tied into contact lenses or refractive surgery later in life, meaning there is an economical cost as well as a health cost to high levels of myopia.

Pictured - a retinal image of myopic macular degeneration